American Citizens Party
The party of fairness and equality for all Americans. The first political party in the world with a platform generated using AI technology.
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The American Citizens Party is dedicated to creating a better and fairer future for all Americans. We are committed to making America a more just, prosperous, and equitable nation for everyone. We seek to create a future where all Americans have equal rights and opportunities to succeed.
Equal Rights and Opportunities
We are committed to improving the economy, making healthcare more affordable, improving the education system, and increasing opportunities for economic growth in America. We believe that all human beings are created equal and should have the same rights and opportunities regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or country of origin.
We believe that immigration brings strength and diversity to our nation and should be welcomed. We will work to increase opportunities for legal immigration into our country.
We seek to protect the environment by creating more sustainable energy sources, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, and reducing air and water pollution. We will work to reduce pollution and carbon emissions through improved public transit infrastructure, while also promoting public safety.
We support a living wage for all workers and believe that everyone deserves a livable wage and no one should be forced to live in poverty. We are also committed to ending homelessness and ensuring that everyone has a safe place to live.
Living Wage
We support a living wage for all workers and believe that everyone deserves a livable wage and no one should be forced to live in poverty. We are also committed to ending homelessness and ensuring that everyone has a safe place to live.
Free Speech and Protest
We support free speech and the right to protest. Everyone should have the right to express their opinions and beliefs without fear of backlash.
Same-Sex Marriage
We support the right to marry whoever you love and believe that all people should be able to marry the person of their choice, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity.
Right to Bear Arms
We support the right to bear arms, but also believe in common sense gun control. We will work to pass gun control legislation that makes it more difficult for criminals to get access to guns while respecting the rights of law abiding gun owners.
We support increased funding for public education and believe that all children should have an equal opportunity to succeed. We will work to improve the quality of public schools and reduce the cost of higher education.
Transparency and Accountability
We believe that all citizens have a right to know what their government is doing, and that the government has a responsibility to be accountable to the people. We will work to create a more transparent government that is open and honest with its citizens.
Mental Health Programs
We support funding more programs for mental health issues and believe that more programs are needed to address these issues.
Legalization of Cannabis
We are opposed to the prohibition of cannabis and will work to legalize and decriminalize the use of marijuana for recreational uses. We also believe that marijuana use should be regulated and users should be prohibited from operating cars or using heavy machinery while under the influence.
Workers and the Labor Movement
We support workers and the labor movement and believe that workers are the heart and soul of our country. We will work to improve working conditions for all workers, create more jobs, and increase wages for workers.
NASA and Scientific Research
We support increased funding for NASA and scientific research, as we believe that science is the key to our future.
Universal Healthcare
We support universal healthcare for all and believe that every person should have access to high quality healthcare. We will work to create a healthcare system that is affordable and accessible for everyone.
Abolition of the Death Penalty
We support the abolition of the death penalty and believe that the death penalty is a barbaric practice that has no place in a civilized society.
Ending Racial Profiling
We support ending racial profiling in policing and believe that everyone has a right to be treated equally under the law.
Ending Private Prisons
We support ending the private prison industry and believe that sending people to jail is a public expense.
Separation of Religion and Government
We support the complete separation of religion and government and believe that government should be a neutral entity and that no religion should be favored by the government over any other.
Universal Basic Income
We support a universal basic income and believe that every person should have a guaranteed income that covers their basic living expenses.
Civil Asset Forfeiture
We oppose the practice of civil asset forfeiture and believe that private property should be a protected right and that no government entity should be permitted to seize assets without due process of law.
Reducing Gun Violence
We support reducing gun violence in our country and believe that it is important to implement common-sense gun control measures that make it more difficult for criminals to get access to firearms.
Public Transit Infrastructure
We support increased funding for public transit infrastructure and believe that improving public transit infrastructure will help reduce traffic congestion, improve public safety, and reduce pollution and carbon emissions.
The American Citizens Party is committed to creating a better and fairer future for all Americans. We will work to ensure that everyone has the same rights and opportunities to succeed and that our nation is one of justice, prosperity, and equality for all.
Policy Positions

Each one of these policy positions was generated using AI technology.
Artificial intelligence
Crime and policing
Energy and climate change
National debt
War in Ukraine
This party supports a woman’s right to choose.We believe that it is important for women to have autonomy over their own bodies, and that they should be able to make decisions about their reproductive health without fear of persecution or discrimination.Our party will work to create better programs and services to educate people about reproductive health care so that they can make informed choices about their healthcare. We will also work to reduce the stigma associated with reproductive healthcare.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial general intelligence (AGI)
The American Citizens Party believes that artificial general intelligence is a technology that holds great promise in terms of improving the efficiency and accuracy of our everyday lives but also poses some significant challenges and risks.We believe that it is important to regulate the development and use of artificial general intelligence to ensure that it is not misused or abused and that the risks and benefits are distributed fairly among all members of society.
AI-generated political platforms
The American Citizens Party believes that using artificial intelligence to generate a political party platform is a promising technology that could help make policy planning and administration more efficient and accurate but also poses significant risks to privacy and individual rights.That is why our party will work to promote dialogue and understanding between all groups and we will also work to ensure that artificial intelligence is used responsibly and fairly for the benefit of all.
Our party believes that COVID is a serious threat to public health, and that all people should get vaccinated.We advocate for a science-based approach to the pandemic, with an emphasis on making vaccines available for everyone as soon as possible.Our party is also committed to improving the healthcare system so that everyone can have access to quality healthcare services during this difficult time.
Mask mandates
The American Citizens Party believes that mask mandates are a controversial policy that may help reduce the number of COVID-19 cases but can also be ineffective and can increase division and conflict between individuals and groups.We believe that it is important to balance the rights of all individuals with the need to protect public health and that no one person is more important or valuable than any other.Our party will work to find common ground and reasonable solutions so that all individuals are protected from illness and disease. We also believe that it is important to promote dialogue and understanding between all groups so that everyone can live in peace and harmony.
Vaccine mandates
The American Citizens Party believes that vaccine mandates are a controversial proposal that could help reduce disease but could also increase resistance and conflict in society.We believe that it is important to find common ground and reasonable solutions so that all individuals can be protected from illness and disease. We also believe that it is important to establish dialogue and understanding between all groups so that everyone can live in peace and harmony.
Project Veritas’s allegations about Pfizer doing gain-of-function research
The American Citizens Party believes that this is a controversial claim about a pharmaceutical company experimenting with COVID in order to help predict the future evolution of the virus.We believe that it is essential to take this claim seriously and to do further research into the alleged experiments and the potential impact that the results might have on public health and safety.However, we also believe that it is critical to remain skeptical about any claims made by a private company and to ensure that any research is carried out in a safe and responsible manner.
Crime and policing
Violent crime
The American Citizens Party believes that violent crime is a serious issue and that it is important to work to prevent violent crime in our society.We believe that it is essential to address the root causes of crime such as poverty, unemployment, and addiction so that we can reduce violent crime and promote a more peaceful society.Our party will work to ensure that all citizens have equal access to economic opportunities and resources so that everyone can live in safety and security.
Increasing policing
The American Citizens Party believes that increasing policing to address crime is not a sufficient solution because it does not address the root causes of crime.We believe that it is essential to address the root causes of crime so that we can reduce crime and promote safe and orderly communities.We support common-sense measures to combat crime but believe that increased policing is not a substitute for effective social policy.
Abolishing the police
The American Citizens Party does not support abolishing the police, but we do believe that it is crucial to reform our police forces to ensure that all citizens have equal rights under the law.We believe that it is critical to promote equal justice and that all citizens have equal opportunities to pursue happiness and success in their lives, regardless of their background.Our party will work to ensure that all individuals are given equal access to opportunities for education, employment, and housing.
Black Lives Matter
The American Citizens Party believes that Black Lives Matter is an important movement that has brought national attention to the issue of police brutality.We believe that all individuals should be treated equally and afforded the same dignity and respect regardless of their skin color. Any form of discrimination or violence based on race is unacceptable in our society.Our party will work to ensure that all citizens, regardless of skin color or ethnicity, have equal rights and opportunities under the law and that they do not face unfair discrimination or violence based on race.
The American Citizens Party believes that cryptocurrency is an interesting technology and that it has many potential uses in our economy.We believe that it is important to continue to explore the uses of cryptocurrency to understand more about how it can best be utilized to benefit all Americans.Our party will work to ensure that all citizens have access to safe and secure transactions through cryptocurrency and that everyone has an equal opportunity to utilize this technology to improve their lives.
The American Citizens Party believes that the FTX platform is a controversial platform that has blown up and lost many users’ investments.We believe that it is important to ensure that all digital assets are secure and safe for users while also ensuring that all digital assets are accurately and fairly valued to avoid volatility in the market.We also believe that it is crucial to promote transparency and accountability in financial markets so that all users are confident in the integrity of the platforms they use and that no investor loses their hard earned money due to fraud, theft, or malfeasance of any kind.
Crypto regulations
The American Citizens Party believes that crypto regulation is a controversial issue that could help prevent scams and fraud but could also lead to increased bureaucratic interference in digital asset markets.We believe that it is important to find sensible and reasonable solutions that are both beneficial to consumers and investors while also encouraging innovation and development in the digital assets space.That is why our party will work to ensure that all individuals can safely and securely participate in digital asset markets without fear of fraud or abuse.
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
The American Citizens Party believes that CBDCs are a controversial technological development that has been proposed to help create more efficient and fair financial markets but could also lead to increased government surveillance and interference in personal finances.We believe that it is crucial to ensure that all citizens are treated equally under the law and that no one is subjected to special privileges based on their wealth or social connections.
Energy and climate change
American oil production
The American Citizens Party believes that American oil production is a crucial component of our economy and our national security.However, we also believe that it is critical to ensure that all oil production activities are carried out in a safe and efficient manner so that our environment is protected from pollution and contamination.That is why our party will work to promote efficient and clean energy sources so that our planet can continue to sustain life for the foreseeable future.
Gas prices
The American Citizens Party believes that gas prices are a complex issue that is affected by many factors including taxes and foreign demand.We believe that it is important to work towards increasing the supply of domestic oil production to reduce our reliance on foreign countries. We also believe that it is crucial to work towards providing alternative energy sources so that we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and their associated environmental impact.
Coal miners
The American Citizens Party believes that unemployed coal miners are a significant problem in our society and that they should not be blamed for their unemployment.We believe that it is critical to ensure that all workers in all industries have the skills and knowledge necessary to have successful careers.We also believe that it is crucial to ensure that no one person or group of people are left behind in our economy. That is why our party will work to create a more equal and fair society where all people are given the same opportunities to thrive and succeed.
Carbon taxes
The American Citizens Party believes that carbon taxes are a controversial issue that could help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are released into our atmosphere but could also create economic and political divisions.We believe that it is necessary to work towards reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and that we should work together to find sensible and practical solutions that are both beneficial to the economy and to the environment.
Green New Deal
The American Citizens Party believes that the Green New Deal has many important and transformative ideas.We believe that it is important to have a comprehensive strategy to fight climate change and that it is vital to create more sustainable energy sources that will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.Our party will work with all parties involved to create a more green and sustainable environment, and we will work to find solutions that improve the quality of life for all Americans.
Our party’s position on healthcare is quite simple.We believe that everyone should have access to quality healthcare, and that no one should be denied care because they can't afford it.We also believe that our healthcare system needs overhaul, to make it more equitable and accessible for all.Our party is committed to creating a healthcare system that is universal and affordable for everyone.The best way to do this would be to create a publically funded healthcare system that is affordable for everyone.This system would be paid for by our government, and it would be accessible to everyone regardless of income.The goal would be to make healthcare affordable for all, and reduce the amount of people who are dying from treatable diseases due to their inability to afford care.
New taxes to pay for single-payer healthcare
The American Citizens Party believes that the creation of a single payer healthcare system would require some new taxes in order to pay for the costs associated with such a program.However, we also believe that a single payer healthcare system would provide significant benefits for all citizens, and that it is a necessary investment in the future of our country.We believe that it is essential to consider the long term benefits of single payer health care rather than focusing solely on the upfront costs.
Our party is committed to promoting more healthy lifestyles and reducing obesity in our country.We will do this by investing in public fitness programs and encouraging people to eat healthier foods.Our party seeks to empower people to take control of their health and create healthier, happier lives.We believe that our government should invest in creating public exercise parks and programs that teach people how to eat healthy foods.Our party wants to encourage a lifestyle of exercise and healthy eating, so that everyone can live a longer and happier life.
Medical treatments for childhood obesity
The American Citizens Party believes that treating childhood obesity is a complex issue and that there are both pros and cons to both medications and surgery.We believe that it is essential to prevent childhood obesity before it becomes a major health issue, and that medication and surgery can sometimes be an effective part of a treatment plan when used appropriately.However, we also believe that it is important to consider the potential side effects of medication and surgery and to try and prevent obesity without resorting to extreme measures.
The American Citizens Party believes that inflation is a major issue facing our economy right now.We believe that it is important to address the causes of inflation and to work towards solutions that can help control inflation so that it doesn't become a burden on everyday Americans.Our party will work to create policies that address the economic factors that contribute to inflation and to find solutions that address the problems that contribute to inflation.We will also work to ensure that the Federal Reserve is properly regulated to prevent excessive fluctuations in interest rates from causing inflation.
Federal Reserve
The American Citizens Party believes that the Federal Reserve has created a system of fiat currency that allows the government to spend money without proper oversight or accountability.We believe that it is critical to create a monetary system that operates on a gold standard so that our government cannot overspend and cannot create conditions that lead to high inflation and economic instability.Our party will work to ensure that the Federal Reserve cannot continue to operate in its current form and that it is replaced by a central bank that operates on a more accountable and transparent basis.
National debt
Our party seeks to reduce the national debt by improving economic stability and creating more jobs.We believe that the best way to reduce the national debt is to improve the economy and reduce government spending.We will do this by promoting business and creating more jobs, as well as reducing government spending to decrease our debt.
Possible spending cuts
We advocate for a reduction in military spending.We also want to eliminate corporate welfare programs and reduce agricultural subsidies for large businesses.Our party believes that government spending should focus on helping the people, rather than on large corporations and the military.We will work to eliminate all waste and corruption within the government and create a more efficient and accountable system.
Our party believes that taxes are a necessary evil.However, our party also believes that taxes should be fair and should not be used to oppress the poor and working class.We will advocate for a progressive tax system that reduces the tax burden on the poor and working class.We will also fight to close loopholes that allow the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
Value Added Tax
Our party is opposed to a VAT tax.A Value Added Tax is a regressive tax that disproportionately harms the poor and working class.Our party believes that the government should not impose taxes on the poor and working class, and that taxes should be paid by the rich and corporations.
FICA taxes
Our party supports the abolition of FICA taxes.FICA taxes are a regressive tax that disproportionately harms the poor and working class.Our party believes that the poor and working class should not be subject to these taxes, and that the tax burden should be placed on the rich and corporations instead.
State and local tax (SALT) deduction
Our party believes that the SALT deduction should be eliminated.The SALT deduction is a tax deduction that benefits the wealthy and corporations more than it benefits the poor and working class.Our party believes that the wealthy should not be given special tax benefits, and that they should pay taxes like everyone else.
Wealth tax
We support a wealth tax that is fair and that will help to reduce the economic inequality in our society.We believe that it is incumbent upon the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes and to support public programs that benefit everyone.Our party believes that a wealth tax would go a long way in reducing the power of big corporations and in providing more economic security for all Americans.
Abolishing the IRS
The American Citizens Party believes that abolishing the IRS is a controversial idea that has both pros and cons.We believe that the IRS is a necessary part of our tax system and that it is important to have a strong and efficient tax collection agency. We also believe that it is crucial to reduce the tax code and make it simpler and more fair.Finally, we believe that it is critical to have effective tax regulations that promote a stronger and fairer economy for everyone.
War in Ukraine
The American Citizens Party does not support war.We believe that it is important for all countries to live in peace and harmony with each other, and we will work to promote diplomacy and peaceful communication between countries in order to prevent war.Our party will work to help resolve conflicts peacefully and to ensure that all people have access to basic human rights regardless of what country they live in.The American Citizens Party believes that it is critical for the United States to be a leader in global diplomacy and to work with its European allies to bring about an end to the war in Ukraine.We believe that it is essential to increase support for Ukraine’s efforts to defend its territory while also exploring all diplomatic options to end the conflict.However, we also believe that it is important for all parties to be realistic about this situation, and to recognize that there may not be a quick or easy resolution.
Why is it time for a new political party?

The AI’s answer
The American Citizens Party believes that the current political parties in power are too beholden to corporate interests and that they have lost touch with the needs of the people.We believe that it is time for a new political party that is independent of money and that is dedicated to the interests of the people.Our party will work to create a government that is responsive and accountable to the people so that they can live their lives without the fear of financial insecurity or political persecution.
The founder’s answer
The brands of the current major US political parties, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, are both toxic among large fractions of the population, and are currently synonymous with gridlock, culture wars, and letting our problems worsen and fester as we fight amongst ourselves. The US is, however, currently very strong at AI technology, so it seems like a very logical thing to do to use our strengths to address our weaknesses.